The Society was founded in 1952 to promote an understanding of the history of the village and its region through talks, exhibitions, visits, research and publications. Its badge and motto, Haulte Emprise ‘noble undertaking’, belonged to the coat of arms of Haltemprice Urban District Council (1935–74), which was based on the shield of Cottingham’s Haltemprice Priory, dissolved in 1536 by Henry VIII.

Cottingham is an ancient Yorkshire village, founded by Anglo-Saxons about 1400–1500 years ago. It has experienced all kinds of change thanks to the Vikings, the Normans, the Reformation, the Civil War, the industrial and agricultural revolutions and its proximity to the port of Kingston-upon-Hull Hull and to Hull University. Is it the largest village in England, as residents like to claim? To find out more, visit ABOUT COTTINGHAM and for more detail, visit HISTORY.

Membership is open to everyone for an annual subscription, which entitles members to a free copy of the annual Journal, discounted prices of the Society’s publications and reduced admission fees to our monthly talks (October to April). For the latest programme of talks and exhibitions click on EVENTS. Visit PUBLICATIONS for information about the latest issue of the Journal, our free heritage trail leaflet and our most recent books, Cottingham Through Time and a second edition of Market Geen Cottingham,.

Our History Room in the old Council Offices, Market Green, houses a large archive of digital images, a library and exhibition displays. For opening times click on ABOUT US. The Society encourages lively discussions about Cottingham’s history on its Facebook group and on its Instagram account. The Society is a member of the British Association for Local History.

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