About Us

The Society was founded in 1952 to encourage the study and enjoyment of local history, especially that of Cottingham.
• We provide a programme of MONTHLY TALKS from Autumn to Spring.
• We arrange occasional summer VISITS and create EXHIBITIONS for particular events.
• We have collected an ever-growing DIGITAL ARCHIVE of historic photos and documents (see GALLERY).
• We have our own HISTORY ROOM with a library and research facilities.
• We produce our own PUBLICATIONS on Cottingham’s history, including BOOKS, booklets, leaflets and cards, an annual JOURNAL and a free heritage trail leaflet, the HISTORIC COTTINGHAM WALK.
• MEMBERSHIP is by annual subscription and includes a free copy of the Journal.
• The Society is run by an annually elected COMMITTEE.
• We have a FACEBOOK page and an INSTAGRAM account.
• You can also CONTACT us by email or by letter post.

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