Hull Heritage Open Days

7th–15th September 2024. This is the first time that the Society will have taken part in Hull Heritage Open Days. The following places will be open to visitors. St Mary’s Church (morning only) in Hallgate (mainly14th-century)
• The Methodist Church in Hallgate (built in 1878)
• The Zion United Reform Church in Hallgate (built in 1819).
• Southwood Hall grounds (but not the house), in Burton Road (built about 1660).
• Cottingham Local History Society’s History Room in the Council Offices, Market Green, for book sales and an exhibition.

Guided walk. Pat Elliott will give an afternoon guided walk of about an hour and a half, to talk about some of Cottingham’s big merchant houses near the village centre. It will start in the Green and go via the snicket to Newgate St, along to Beck Bank and back to the Green. Booking in advance will be essential as numbers will be limited to 15. Details of places, time and booking arrangements will appear in a Hull Heritage Open Days brochure.

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