Constitution of the Cottingham Local History Society
As amended at the Annual General Meeting, April 9th 2008:
1. The Society shall be called the Cottingham Local History Society.
2. The object of the Society shall be the advancement of public education fostering the study of local history, particularly that of Cottingham, and disseminating for the benefit of the public the results of such study. In furtherance of this object the Society shall:
a) encourage public interest in local history.
b) foster the study of local history by sponsoring talks, discussions and trips and by arranging for group work on the subject.
c) publish the work of the Society’s members and of others as may be possible, desirable and convenient.
d) encourage the preservation of local records, antiquities and objects of historical interest.
e) take any other steps which may appear to be necessary in achieving the objects set out above.
f) co-operate with other charitable bodies having similar interests.
3. Membership shall be open to all persons on payment of an annual subscription.
4. The Officers of the Society shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman. a Secretary and a Treasurer.
5. The Committee of the Society shall consist of the Officers and up to six elected members. The quorum is four.
6. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee may co-opt a member to fill a casual vacancy or to meet a special requirement.
DUTY of Officers:
7. the Chairman shall preside and chair all meetings of the Society and shall have general powers of delegation.
8. the Vice Chairman shall deputise for the Chairman when necessary.
9. the Secretary shall record minutes, give notification of meetings and conduct correspondence, in accordance with the decisions of the Committee.
10. the Treasurer shall receive all monies belonging to the Society, keep an account of income and expenditure and produce a balance sheet at the end of each financial year. which will be presented to the Annual General Meeting.
11. Committee members will actively assist the Officers in organising the meetings and activities of the Society.
12. The Financial Year shall commence on the first day of April and end on the thirty first of March in the succeeding year. The Subscriptions shall be the amounts decided at the Annual General Meeting.
13. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in April each year. The Accounts shall be presented, for approval, and the Committee elected.
l4. Extraordinary General Meeting. The Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting, of which 14 (fourteen) days’ notice shall be given to all members. Should the Secretary receive a request in writing, signed by ten or more members, for an Extraordinary General Meeting then the members shall be notified and a meeting convened.
15. The Committee or ten members may propose an amendment to the Constitution which shall be sent to all members 28 days before the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. Such amendments shall be approved by not less than two-thirds of the persons present and voting providing that any such amendment does not conflict with the objects of the Society as set out in Clause 2.
16. Dissolution of the Society. The Society shall continue in existence whilst its objects remain viable and its membership warrants its continuance. It shall only be wound up by the votes of a clear majority of its existing members present and voting at a properly constituted Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. Thereupon its existing assets, either cash or in kind, after all commitments within the powers of the Society, financial or otherwise, have been met shall be transferred to such charitable society, body or other organisation having objects similar to those of the Society as may be determined by the majority at the said Meeting, and if and so far as effect cannot be given to such provision then to some charitable object.